A rather tricky article to write, since it has many ways to intepret and view. It is rather difficult because the nature of reading, and the nature of conversation are two completely different scenarios in the mind of many. In reading text, the intepretation and sight of the what is read, is purely for the intepretation of the reader, whereas conversation and dialogue, there is a constant sharing of intepretation so as to have the same mind about the subject. So what is it which interferes with intepretation?
Various faculties of the brain are responsible for activities we intepret as existence, and much of the basis of our action stems from such faculties. If we were to ask, what is it which the brain listens for in order to act? Be it reading a book, or watching a drama, or driving an automobile, one rationalises action against what they are seeing. Which part of the brain is thus responsible for the action, whether it is contemplation or the scripting of a new idea. We have come to use words and symbols as a means of pointing out what is in our minds, such symbols have been used to communicate in various ways for the longest time. They lay in the part of our mind, which we have access to during most of the day. It is the repository for all the experience which we have come identify and communicate and create much of the useful artifacts of our world. It has become the basis of our work and thus what we identify with, it is the labels we use to characterise the world and each other.
Much of what I am describing here is the ability to think, or to contemplate or to have useful action. It is the voice in our head, the memory of a past pleasure or pain, or the knowledge about a particular subject. That operation is thought, which is really the past, laying dormant in our brains ready for us to make it the present. It is the recognition through sight sound or smell. It is thought, so can we be aware of thought as it operates in our lives..? and this can leave us with the question, is anything new the result of thought, or is it some other action independent of thought.
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